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Join date: Jan 11, 2020


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[Mehrle = "MUR-lee"]

I am 29 years old, newly married, with a 4-year-old stepson. I live in the Soulard neighborhood in St. Louis, MO. I am a project manager at Lutheran Hour Ministries, but my involvement in The Hopeful Neighborhood Project is simply as a participant, not as LHM staff.

One of the things that makes me happiest is being present and undistracted in the moment either by myself or with others, and I'm excited by the prospect that The Hopeful Neighborhood Project can show me how doing just that might be the primary way that God wants to use me in the world.


  • Beta Tester
    Participated in The Hopeful Neighborhood Project Beta Test.
  • EveryGift
    Completed the EveryGift survey.

Megan Mehrle

Beta Tester
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