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About Us

"We are a collaborative network committed to improving neighborhood well-being around the world. Our resources and online network equip and encourage neighbors to work together, using their gifts and the gifts of their community, to pursue the common good of their neighborhood."

- Tony Cook, Executive Director

The Hopeful Neighborhood Project includes neighbors of all creeds and no creeds, who want to pursue the common good right where they live. 


A “hopeful neighborhood” is a neighborhood where people work together to pursue neighborhood well-being as the highest form of the common good. A hopeful neighborhood is where: 


  • Possibilities are the focus 

  • Everyone’s gifts are shared 

  • Neighbors value their neighborhood’s uniqueness 

  • Neighbors long for their neighborhood’s well-being 

  • Neighbors collaboratively imagine possibilities 

  • Neighbors create and work a plan together 


At the Hopeful Neighborhood Project we long to see more and more hopeful neighborhoods. We’ve developed a three-step process to help everyday neighbors pursue the common good, right where they live.


  • A three-step online process for founders and their neighborhood groups

  • Practical tools like the EveryGift Inventory, Neighborhood Gift Map, and Neighborhood Well-being Survey

  • A national network of groups excited to share their ideas and hear yours

  • A team of trained Neighborhood Project Coaches excited to provide encouragement, ideas, and counsel along the way


Each community boasts a unique combination of assets from which to build its future.

- John L. McKnight and John P. Kretzmann

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